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Visual leaf analysis is, without a doubt, a highly mistake propense system, once it is subject to human subjectivity, besides being very inaccurate, slow and untrustworthy.

Smart equipment for precise and customized analysis:

  • Disease identification: measure the area and percentage of several types of injuries;
  • Multicultural analysis: our versatile platform allows to analyze leaves of the most several crops, attending your specific needs;
  • Custom-made precision: equipment with several levels of precision and speed, intending to supply your demands and budget;
  • AI at your service: AI and machine learning tools identify patters and create associations from images, improving the accuracy;

Benefits for your business:

  • Decision making more precise: true accurate data for strategic decision support;
  • Productiveness improvement: conduct analysis in a much agile way;
  • Budget reduction: eliminate the needing of specialist time in the process;

Models compatible with leaf analysis:

  • GroundEye S120: suitable for smaller leaves;
  • GroundEye S800: suitable for bigger leaves, mainly the ones that require a bigger detailing;
  • GroundEye SF300: video analysis, suitable for large volumes of analysis;

Contact us and get to know more about how our solutions can boost your analysis to a whole new efficiency and productivity level!


Up to 90% faster than manual analysis
Exact injured area quantification
Human subjectivity elimination
Result traceability


Contact us for more details